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The Wellesley Democratic Town Committee (WDTC) is the local, grassroots branch of the Democratic Party. We are established under the authority of the General Laws of Massachusetts (Ch. 52, § 2) and the Charter of the Massachusetts Democratic Party. Under this, we advocate for the ideals of the Democratic Party locally, statewide, and nationally. Our Platform, as approved at the 2017 Convention, may be viewed online. (The previous edition, from 2013, is also available).




When you join the WDTC, you become an active part of the local voice of the Democratic Party. In other words, you are joining the team that believes we are greater together than we are on our own—that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, when everyone plays by the same rules.


During our meetings, you will learn about what’s happening in Wellesley, on Beacon Hill, and in Washington. We frequently discuss the noteworthy political news of the day and have politicians and academics join us. This is your chance to get involved in Wellesley, move the Democratic Party forward, and engage in the issues that affect us all. If this interests you, please explore our site and consider joining us as an Associate Member.



Composition of the Committee

The WDTC is the local branch of the Democratic Party. We have three types of members:

  • Ex Officiis Members: Voting members by virtue of service on the Democratic State Committee and residence in Wellesley.

  • Elected Members: The majority of the membership is elected during the quadrennial Presidential Preference Primary. There are 35 Elected Members and they serve four year terms.

  • Associate Members: The Committee also internally elects Associate Members. These individuals assist the Committee in its work. There is no limit to the number of Associate Members.


Vacancies in the Committee are filled by vote of the WDTC. Associate Members are the first candidates for filling any vacancies. The Committee also employs an Executive Board to manage the day-to-day activities of the WDTC. All members of the Committee are enrolled Democrats.



What We Do

The Committee conducts a number of Democrat-related activities including, but not limited to:



  • The endorsement of enrolled Democratic candidates in partisan and nonpartisan elections,

  • Financially supporting the State Committee and Democratic nominees,

  • Fundraising for political purposes,

  • Adopting resolutions and platforms,

  • Voter registration campaigns,

  • Caucusing to endorse candidates and elect convention delegates, and

  • Conducting other Party business.



In furtherance of the ideals of the State Party and to reflect the make-up of Wellesley, we actively recruit minority, female, gay, lesbian, young and disabled Democrats to join us. All of our meetings are held in handicapped accessible locations. Please contact the Affirmative Action and Outreach Officer for more information.


All registered Democrats and those who are unenrolled (“independents”) are invited to attend WDTC events. Any Democrat in Wellesley is eligible to join the Committee.


© 2025 by Wellesley Democratic Town Committee | The Official Site of Democrats in Wellesley, MA |


Website Design and Development by IndigoEleven

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